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Writer's pictureVicki Baird

How Habits Can Unlock a More Joyful Life (Yes, Even for Mules)

Hey there,  

Let’s talk about something that can get overlooked in our busy lives but actually holds everything together: habits. I know; I used to roll my eyes at the idea of forming habits, too. It all seemed a bit too “hyper-achiever” for my taste. Ironic because that is one of my top saboteurs. 

 But then I realized something: the more we build habits, the less we have to think about the everyday stuff. And less overthinking? Yes, please.

Imagine your brain is like an old computer that needs more space to run smoothly. Habits are like freeing up that precious storage so you can focus on the important things—like plotting your snacks for the week or figuring out why there’s always one missing sock.  What? You don’t make chia seed pudding on Sunday so you have it at the ready all week? No? Just me. Ok, that’s fine. I’m happy to share. 

Anyhoo, habits keep you grounded. Take our bedtime routines, for example. It’s like sending your brain a gentle nudge that says, “Hey, it’s time to shut down.” I love giving my brain that message. 

Do I always listen? No, no, I do not. But when I do, it helps me fall asleep faster and wake up ready to take on whatever excitement I have planned for the day. It’s the simple, repetitive actions that tell my body and mind to calm down.  

And it’s not just bedtime. I’ve found that consistent physical habits, like working out, build stamina not just for my body but for my brain, too. Whenever I finish a workout, I give myself a high-five and remind myself: “See? You can actually do this.”  I don’t always want to work out, but I know I like being proud. Not to mention, those habits have saved me more than a few mental meltdowns when life gets challenging.  

In your professional life, these small habits can make all the difference, too. They create reliability, and—trust me on this—they lower stress. 

It’s that magical moment when you reach for something, and it's right where you left it. If only everything in life could be that manageable, right?  

I’m all for big dreams and bold moves, but the truth is, success is built in the small, seemingly boring stuff we do every day. Habits create a foundation. They keep you consistent, so when inspiration strikes (and let’s face it, sometimes she’s late to the party), you’re prepared and ready to roll.  

So, what’s one habit you can focus on for the next few months? Just one. Not twelve. We’re not overachievers here (okay, maybe sometimes). 

Pick something small but meaningful, like drinking a glass of water before your coffee, going for a walk, or practicing kindness when you talk to yourself.

And if you need a little extra encouragement, I’ll leave you with this: I am helping a miniature mule named Jake learn new habits, as his current ones are keeping him in a stressful state. He’s dependent on humans, but his process isn’t too different from ours—slow, steady, and learning to build trust. If Jake can do it, I’m pretty sure you can too.  

Here’s to small victories and making life easier, one habit at a time.  



NOTE: If you’re ready to dive deeper into building habits and mental fitness, don’t forget to check out my six-week Positive Intelligence program. Together, we’ll work on creating real shifts that align with your goals and intuition. Let’s do this!

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